Training and equipping next gen leaders for LGBT+ inclusion and care.
Get trained during a condensed Posture Shift Intensive in just one online session.
Over two sessions, learn how to facilitate a Guiding Families reading group.
Training campus and student ministry leaders on LGBT+ engagement.
Training New England pastors and leaders n LGBT+ engagement.
Teaching a social work class at Gordon College on understanding the vulnerabilities faced by LGBT+ youth.
Get trained during a condensed Posture Shift Intensive in just 2 online sessions.
Over 10 weeks, participants will learn a biblically sound, relationally honoring, best-practice care plan for LGBT+ people and their families.
Training Scotland church leaders on LGBT+ inclusion and care.
Training Florida church leaders on LGBT+ inclusion and care.
Connect with other parents and family members of LGBT+ loved ones.
Topic: Pastors and Parents Partnering to Meet LGBT+ Youth Needs.
Click “Register” for all details! Register for one or more webinars.
Topic: How to Engage and Care Well for Trans and Non-Binary Loved Ones.
Topic: Navigating Belief Gaps Between You and LGBT+ Youth.
Topic: Responding Well When LGBT+ Youth Come Out.
Topic: How to Make Church Safe for Transgender and Non-Binary People.
Topic: How to Improve the Way Our Church Engages LGBT+ People.
Topic: How to Prepare My Church for Inclusion of LGBT+ People.
Topic: How to Honor God and include LGBT+ people.
Session 6: Trans Panel & Ensuring Smooth Implementation
Click “Register” for all details!
Session 5: Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Inclusion
Session 4: Implement Best-Practice Care
A six-week private reading group of Guiding Families: Fifth Edition for Christian School Leaders.
Session 2: Key Words & Honoring Language
Session 3: Growing Up Trans or Non-Binary
Session 1: Setting the Vision
Join us as we express gratitude for your partnership – and share our latest plans!
Get trained as a Facilitator in just 6 wks to launch a Guiding Families Reading Group.
Learn a missional approach on LGBT+ inclusion and care for church teams.
Training Spokane church, school and camp leaders on LGBT+ inclusion and care.
Join us to learn a sound missional approach on LGBT+ inclusion and care! Registration only $25. Click the button below to register.